Lots of activations, few posts

Well, so much for me getting active on the blog again.  Every week or so I think, "I should put something on the blog," yet don't do it. Now its June, and my last post was in February.  So I've got some catching up to do.

I have been busy and have quite a few new activations in, so it's been a productive spring.  I'll try to summarize.  In February I had about 240 activator points after a year and a half of activating. In Nune I have 350 points, so it's bee a productive spring.  I give a few of the high points, pardon the pun.

During the month of March I mainly activated some of the local (Arkansas) summits I had done the year before.  Under the rules of SOTA, you can activate a summit for points once a year.  So with the new year you have a clean slate.  So I went back to some nearby summits and had a good time doing it. 

In late April I took another trip to the Ouachita Mountains on the Oklahoma/Arkansas border.  There are a lot of summits in a short area there, and I was able to do four summits in a couple days with nice weather and low bug count.   Below is a picture from Winding Stair Mountain,  W5O/OU-002, and my operating position on top.

My next big outing was to North Carolina, where I combined a trip to Minis On the Dragon with some summit activations.  I was able to get in three activations, two from the Blue Ridge Parkway, but then the rain set in.  Rain has been a problem this spring.  One thing I learned doing the North Carolina Summits, is they are bigger than Ozarks.  What they describe as a short, easy hike is often a mile or so with a good climb.  A couple of those a day is my limit, at least in the shape I'm in now.

Here's the view from Waterrock Knob, W4C/WM-004, on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

After returning from North Carolina, I did one more big tip to Western Arkansas in the Cossatot Mountiains. There I activated Tall Peak, W5A/CS-002, and Buckeye Mountain, W5A/CS-003.  Both were very nice summits with nice hikes which made for a great trip.  Tall Peak even has an old lookout tower at the top that let me sit in the shade and operate with a view. 

So it's been a good Spring for SOTA. It's kept me out in the woods and not in the shack working on my blog.


WVØH Myron said…
Bruce - I just heard you and WB6BEE chatting on 30m this morning. Just dropped by for a visit and wanted to say hi.

Andy Henry said…
Just worked you on ARRL 10m contest. We both have KX2s and share a common interest. Call me sometime.
Andy Henry