Novice station
The wife was cleaning out some old trunks and found this picture from january 1966 of my Novice station. Yes, I was 12 years old, WN0NHG, and the proud owner of a Heathkit HR-10B receiver, a Globe HG-303 transmitter, and a Knight Kit SWR bridge. Note the QSL cards on the wall, most of them with other Novice calls.
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, in the past there was a Novice class of license, which was how most people got into Ham radio. It required passing a 5 word per minute code test and a simple test, mostly covering regulations. It was good for one year, and you were limited to three 50 KHz bands on 80, 40, and 15 meters. Transmitters had to be crystal controlled and limited to 75 watts.
But with those limitations, and a rotten, wide receiver in the HR-10, I worked all over the U.S. and Canada and had a ball.
Note the Heathkit speaker in the upper right corner of the photo. I'm still using it today. You can spot it in some pictures of my current station on this blog. Sadly, I don't have any wallpaper with rocket ships on it.