My shack
I have a wide collection of gear, most of it I've picked up used the past few years. More details later. I'm a cw operator, with 99 percent of my activity on cw. I've been a ham for 43 of my 55 years, and was a good cw op as a youngster, so it came easy back then. Through the years I've built up my speed to where I can copy in the 40 word per minute range in my head, but most of the time I'm conversational rag chewer at 25 wpm.
In this blog, I'm going to log my activity, and a few highlights of what I hear, what I do, and what I find interesting.
An example is last night. I started out with a lower-speed contact with K3OXG, Lou, in Waynesburg, P
A. We chatted a while, and when I signed out I was called by F3NB, Andy in Toulouse, France. He had a good readable 569 signal, which was unusual for 8 p.m. on 40 meters from Chicago. We actually had a nice little QSO. It's always neat to have the DX call you.
I was running my Icom 765 to the SteppIR vertical. More on that later.